Friday, 27 January 2017

Aventurine... January 2017

The GridWork that our FB Group, The Wisdom of the Skulls, did in 2016 was replaced by a new type of working for 2017. It felt right to delve deeper into the Crystalline Kingdom, to further explore the relationship between crystals/stones and their habitat, how they form, why certain crystals are found in certain places on the planet, their function based on their geographic position etc.

Aventurine was the stone for January.

I finally have some time to write up my 'findings'...

I worked with Nibiru, my purple Aventurine skully, this month... along with tumbles in Yellow, Orange, Peach, Green & Silver...

The first thing that became apparent was that Aventurine is a Nurturer and that wherever it is located in the world it's main 'Mission' appears to be that of Support... wherever it is required it will be there to lend a hand...

Aventurine likes to work alongside other stones, in fact it seems 'happiest' when it IS surrounded by other crystals. Evenly distributed around the world, makes it reasonably easy to get hold of.

I asked Nibiru about the many different colours of Aventurine and why some stones are available in so many hues.

The response was that Gaia 'placed' crystals much as we work with a Chakra system... certain colours will form in certain places where they will benefit from that Colour Frequency.

Remember, technically, colour doesn't exist (well physically anyway). It is created by our brain trying to make sense of Light Signals it receives via our eyes. Which got me thinking about the significance of the actual colours of crystals when they see the Light of Day...

So were the colours of the stones already decided when Gaia created them or could they morph to what was needed when extracted from beneath the surface? From what I could gather from Nibiru, it was the latter. Perhaps this is why new combinations/hues of crystals are being discovered all the time? Gaia is providing what the planet needs, where it needs it most.

This really got me thinking... a Chakra System within the planet? Why not? After all, we have many Ley Lines, Energy Streams... Vile Vortices, Earthquake Faultlines, Equatorial Lines etc etc.

So Aventurine could help Nurture the Balance that the planet requires using those 'Chakras'? Well, it's not quite as cut and dried as that and definitely needs some further exploration. I think I will be pairing Aventurine up with other stones and experimenting to see what kind of difference it makes to those stones for one thing.

But what about mining? Extracting those precious stones and distributing them elsewhere? Should we be doing this? The response was that although Gaia can Birth these beauties and places them at what Nibiru explained as their 'Origin Point', sometimes a little help is needed to get them to specific places. This is apparently why some stones are more readily available than others.

And the more commonly sourced crystals maybe have a bigger role to play than people realise? Aventurine is often overlooked in favour of more expensive, more 'attractive' crystals for sure...

This was the only exploring I was able to do with Aventurine as I came down with a nasty flu virus for 3 weeks or so. The responses I received, it seems, were not just confined to Aventurine itself and was actually more than I had anticipated in my first exploration...

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