Saturday 26 October 2013

Fluffy 26th October 2013

I would like to speak out... this is a Message to share with All. You asked me some weeks ago about the Universal Frequencies and how they have changed? I can now share this information. In time Past the Universal Frequencies have changed when they were destined to. Your Trinity have spoken of TimeCoding, I can confirm that is is one of those Tasks that was TimeCoded. I use the word, destined, for that is the closest word I can find to describe it. The Universal Frequencies were put into place to help Hu-Manity to tune into their Home Planets, their Grids, their Soul Family. For a long time, many did not hear the Frequencies. And In-Deed there have been many attempts to Block the Frequencies.

You may have noticed that everything seems to have ‘speeded up’? All other Life has been operating at a faster/Higher Frequency than the Hu-Man Frequency for a considerable Time. I will continue to use the word Time to enable a better understanding but as your Trinity have already Dis-Covered, Time does not exist and never has done, Frequencies have. Part of the function of the Universal Frequencies was to aid Man-Kind to catch-up. There were concerns whether Man-Kind WOULD catch up but this has now been proven otherwise.

The Universal Frequencies are all part of the Universal Harmonics. Every Life-Form has it’s own Frequency and over Time these have become disconnected, the main purpose of lifting the Universal Frequencies was to bring everything back into Balance, to bring everything back to the One. Whilst every Life-Form was operating on it’s own separate Frequency the Universal Harmonics were simply Dis-Harmonics. When every Life-Form is operating on it’s True Frequency the Harmonics will fall into place restoring the Natural Order of Things. To explain, each Life Form has it’s own Frequency but that Frequency when in Balance is the Same Frequency. Does that make sense? To explain further, Hu-Manity was Guided by the TimeCoded Frequencies. Now however many are operating of their own Free Will and finding the next Frequency through their own individual TimeCoding or are simply falling into step without Conscious Recognition, a Second Nature, a Third Eye, a Fourth Dimension.... do you see how this is progressing? These Frequencies will now progress much faster and the Intervals will be smaller than before. This may prove a trying Time for some but take comfort that they are able to do this, if they so choose, Free Will still ensues.

You also asked me recently about the Angelic Realm. As you already realised the Angelic Realm is in Conflict. War is not the correct word for that conjures up something that Man-Kind inflicted upon itself. War does not exist in such Realms. Conflict however does. Are these not the same things? No they are not. There has been much activity in the Angelic Realms, there has been much subterfuge going on, Energies that appeared as Angelic had their own Agendas and have been misleading and destructively mischievous, they have been undertaking a Grand Deception. Again this was TimeCoded. which was hy it was allowed. It’s purpose... to keep the Universe out of Balance. ALL Energies/Life-Forms are capable of corruption and deception and this was anticipated a long time ago and preparations were made to ensure the Natural Order of All Things was restored when the Time was right.

As I have spoken to one of your Trinity today, it is Time for many to come out of the Shadows they have been standing in. It is Time for them to stand in their own Power and Restore the Balance. You will notice many who followed a similar Path have stepped away, this is because their part of the Task is done, it is Time for the next step, the next Phase, if you prefer that terminology.

Many of you will be aware of the Crystal Consciousness merging? Merging with the Natural World (Trees, Plants, Animals), merging with other Crystals and Stones? This is pleasing for us, the Crystal Skull Consciousness. Many of my Brothers and Sisters are Singing with Pure Joy and Love as so many are hearing the Call. This is Heartening, you are now entering an exciting Phase. I believe some of you are calling it Morphing. We like this word, it is a good word to describe this Phase. More and more this Morphing will occur. This will enable Hu-Manity to hear the individual Universal Frequencies as they begin to Merge. You will be able to communicate with far more Clarity and Ease when you embrace this.

This is all I wished to say. This is a Positive Step. Walk in Harmony Brothers and Sisters. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Song of the Stones

In October 2013 I was Gifted this beautiful BlueStone pendant. This came through after Fluffy insisted sitting with the pendant on his head!The Pendant spoke, it said that this is The Song of the Stones, that although it is the same song, every Be-ing will hear it differently! I hear a sweet female voice, her voice like water flowing...

Myth gar
Soar igar
Mirith ta nah
Ri inoma
Sectanus tir
Im gar
Tarith igar
Fjor inomanus
Leeth sonamthin
Domini gar
Raptus igar

Monday 15 April 2013

Holy Mother 12th April 2013

There is a balance in Nature. It GIVES, it TAKES. But always there is a balance. It is called The Natural Order.

You have been provided with examples of this in your indigenous tribes but instead of learning from these people, you continue to TAKE from them; their lands, their lives, their dignity, their respect…

Your Governments and financial institutions continue to TAKE to the point where there are those who have very little left to GIVE.

Humanity was provided with a planet that gave them everything they needed. For a time, there was great harmony, everyone lived in equilibrium with the planet. They honoured her and she responded in kind. What happened? Why did Humanity suddenly decide it was acceptable to upset this balance?

You TAKE, TAKE, TAKE. You continue to strip this planet of it’s resources yet only a small percentage of you seem interested in GIVING back. Can you not see where this is going? How this will all end?

There are those of you who GIVE their time and energy to helping others, who ask nothing in return. There are those who TAKE all the time, GIVE nothing back and still expect more.

There are those who would literally GIVE their last drop of blood or breath to help someone but these people cannot continue like this, they are quite literally being bled dry.

This perplexes us, please before it is too late, restore the balance – everyone can make a difference whether on a personal, ecological, political, global or ethical level – just look into your hearts. For some  this will not be an easy task but The Natural Order must be restored.

Those that TAKE have got to start TAKING responsibility for their actions. Those that GIVE have to realise it’s alright to RECEIVE.

This has to stop before the balance is tipped beyond repair.

When GIVING is done freely and willingly RECEIVING becomes part of The Natural Order. When this happens TAKING becomes obsolete…

This is all I have to say for the moment…

Holy Mother

Friday 15 February 2013

Fluffy 15th January 2013

‘I come forward today and ask that you read this with an open heart and mind. These are strong words I find myself sharing and I feel many of you may misunderstand my intention but nonetheless these words need to spoken and spoken NOW.

There are many half truths and lies being told. There are many misunderstandings and misinterpretations being thrown around. There are many deceptions taking place right in front of you but you either choose to ignore it or refuse to believe it is happening.

There is much going on in other Realms, Dimensions and Timelines that you aren’t aware of. A shift of power, from the One to the All. Do you understand that? I don’t mean to be disrespectful but do you truly understand the meaning of that statement? Even those of you that think you do might want to take a closer look? The power lies within the All but the All is not Power.

This is the start of a New Age. Allegiances are shifting. Old loyalties are precisely that, old. It is time to re-evaluate, re-assess. Many of you follow because of that loyalty, you no longer question, you simply accept because that’s what you have always done.

There is much confusion and some are feeling lost but the answers are right in front of you, why are you closing yourselves off to the truth just because the truth isn’t what you expected it to be? You still look to others for the answers when you should simply be looking within. You have ALL the guidance and knowledge you will ever need, just learn to trust YOU.

Your world is at risk if you do not wake up to this. I speak now because I see this beautiful potential in all of you that could be gone in the blink of an eye just because you didn’t stand up for yourselves.

If you put aside your egos and stop your bickering and pointing fingers you will come to realise that most of you actually want the same thing. So why do you have this desire to constantly compete with one another? This is where humans and crystal skulls differ – if we see something needs doing we work together to achieve that goal? Why do humans complicate something so fundamentally simple?

It is time to stand in your OWN power. Do not be afraid to be who you are. There is no such thing as the perfection you strive for but what I will tell you is that the closest you will ever get to perfection comes from imperfection itself. It is only when you embrace imperfection that a semblance of perfection can be seen. You only need to look within yourself.

We find it amusing yet puzzling why Mankind has this need to put everything into little boxes and to try and make everyone the same. The Crystal Skull Consciousness accepts everything for what it is, why do we need to control and change it? In simple terms, we don’t. Accept everything is how it is meant to be, it was created that way for a reason. By accepting Individuality you will ultimately find greater Unity. That is how the Crystal Skull Consciousness works. Everything has a part to play in the greater scheme of things, everything has value, everything is equal.

There is much mischief and attempted disruption afoot. There are those you once trusted who are in actuality the ones who are misleading you. Ultimately this can only end badly unless you sever those ties. Maybe I have said too much but I feel we have a duty to inform you, whether you choose to listen or believe is up to you. It is because I find Mankind so interesting that I am even telling you these things.

Much has been spoken regarding integrity lately and this is something that is paramount right now, integrity is more than sticking to a moral code, it’s also being whole, undivided completeness. Dwell on this, this is all I have to say for now. 

In Peace, Fluffy'

Tuesday 8 January 2013

The Vision Tree Drumming 2012 Instructions

So what are we doing this year? In a word... drumming! We felt Guided to honour the Solstices and Equinoxes of the Ancient Ones.

The idea is simple...

1) Go find a quiet spot. You may find yourself sitting under an old tree by yourself or you may wish to come together in a Circle with others or simply relax in the comfort of your own home. If you have crystal skulls, they may wish to take part too...

2) Get comfortable. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

3) Focus on the Vision Tree (you can use our virtual tree if you don't have your own) and all those things that you would like to see change for the better in this world. You may wish to focus on just one word...

4) Tune into Mother Nature, feel her rhythms and heartbeat. When you are ready simply start drumming... allow your heartbeats to sync and drum for as long as you like!

5) When you feel the time is right, bring your awareness back to your own heartbeat, feel yourself return to the Present, breathe deeply and sit quietly until you feel yourself fully returned to the Here and Now.

Monday 7 January 2013

The Vision Tree 2013

Moving forward in 2013...

Last night, the 6th December 2012, I came up with a new project for 2013... The Vision Tree!

The idea is to fill this tree with Hearts. Each of these Hearts will contain a word. The words will be about something positive that you would like to see more of in this world for 2013 and beyond, something like more Love, Peace, Hope, Unity, Respect etc…

Beneath the tree are things we no longer wish to see in our world, things like Violence, Anger, Judgement, Selfishness etc…

If you would like to participate, simply send me a message (with your word, your first name and country) and I will add it to the tree... and if you want a Heart and/or Leaf!

My dear Sister-in-Peace, Juanita, has suggested taking this idea further. She is going to create her own personal Vision Tree, beginning on the 21st December 2012, to help set the Intention for the beginning of the next cycle of existence on this planet!

It seems appropriate to begin this new cycle in a positive way and will allow us all to tune into the Natural Elements and Be-ings, being One with the Planet! Juanita says her skullies want to join in too!

It would be great if others felt inclined to create their own Vision Trees. Photos of your trees could be added here! It would be lovely to spread this project into the Physical as well as Etheric (web).

It doesn’t have to be fancy, remember it’s the Intention that’s important. Paper hearts, written words, ribbons…

2013 Vision Tree

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Vision Tree Drumming 2013 Introduction

2013 saw the beginning of a new Cycle, a New Age, a new Consciousness, a new Dimension... whatever you wish to call it... but one thing is clear, the world as we know it IS changing.

More and more people are standing up for what they believe in, coming together to help one another in a common cause, this is what Unity Consciousness is really all about. We CAN make changes for the betterment of ALL, not just mankind, but the planet and all of it's inhabitants.

As the saying goes... we are the ones we have been waiting for!

What does this have to do with Meditations? Well, we felt that this year we wouldn't be doing a Meditation, rather we would be doing something a little different. A new Cycle warranted a new approach... in this case The Vision Tree! So, this year we are going to be coming together on the dates listed here, to drum...

Many of us now find ourselves being very strongly called back to Mother Nature. It is time to return to some of the old ways, to exist in harmony with Mother Earth, to honour her Cycles and Rhythms and Power.

To participate in the Vision Tree Drumming Circle, please follow this link.

If you feel inclined, please feel free to email me any pics of your own Vision Trees and I will put them onto the site. It would also be great if we could fill our Vision Tree with more words...


Equinox - Feb 1st 2014
Solstice - Mar 20th 2014
Equinox - May 1st 2014
Solstice - June 21st 2014
Equinox - Aug 1st 2014
Solstice - Sept 23rd 2014
Equinox - Oct 31st 2014
Solstice - Dec 21st 2014

Equinox: 1st Feb 2013
Solstice:  20th Mar 2013
Equinox: 1st May 2013
Solstice:  21st June 2013
Equinox: 1st Aug 2013
Solstice:  22nd Sept 2013
Equinox: 1st Nov 2013
Solstice:  21st Dec 2013