Thursday 13 September 2012

Love Our Planet

I have been sitting here for some months contemplating what I could do to help the planet.

Helping financially in some way isn’t really feasible, I, like many people are struggling to just pay the bills. So what could I do? Last night, 12th September 2012, I had an idea… something that doesn’t need to cost a penny but could potentially help make those changes I long for.

So what is Love Your Planet about then? It’s dead simple… it’s about encouraging people to make changes to the way they live for the greater good of the planet. Anyone can join in and I hope anyone reading this will have their own ideas that they would like to share on this page. Just remember, whatever your idea, it must not cost anything!

Currently the world’s population is estimated at over 7 billion people! That’s ALOT of people! OK, so a percentage will be living in under-developed nations… but consider this, as an example, if we could persuade everyone we know to give up just ONE chemical cleaning product, just imagine the impact that could potentially have on the oceans! This is just one idea… do you see how it works?

Sept. 2012
Give up one chemical cleaning product

Oct. 2012
Take one less bath/shower a week

Nov. 2012
Turn the heating down one degree

Dec. 2012
Re-use gift wrap, packaging & envelopes

Jan. 2013
UPCYCLE something

Feb. 2013
Wash clothes at a lower temperature

April 2013
Grow a tree from a seed/nut

May 2013
Borrow something instead of buying it

Did you know:
• The average household contains anywhere from 3 to 25 gallons of toxic materials, most of which are in cleaners!
• A 5 minute shower uses about 10 gallons of water!
• Each 1-degree drop for an 8-hour period reduces your fuel bill about 1 percent!
• If every American family wrapped just 3 presents in re-used materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields!
• Upcycling can reduce the consumption of new raw materials that are required when creating new products or recycling materials!
• Almost 95 per cent of the electricity consumed by washing machines is used to heat the water. 
• Young trees absorb CO2 at a rate of 13 lbs per tree each year!
• The average power tool is only used for 8 minutes?

How can you join in? Tweet, Facebook, email, blog… spread the word about this project, share any ideas you have here on this page…

Sunday 1 January 2012

Breath of Life Meditation 2012 (Written & Audio)

Breath of Life Meditation © Juanita McKenzie 2012

Meditation Preparation:

Form a Sacred Circle with your Crystal Elders – these are the stones, crystals and crystal skulls that you feel are drawn to work with you in this meditation. Simply enter your heart space and allow the Crystal Elders to speak to you, showing you how they wish to work alongside you and who wishes to join with you in this Sacred Circle. Enter into deep communion with the Crystal Elders and allow them to guide you and work with you.
As we form the Sacred Circle with our Crystal Elders, we join together as One, in Unity, as Equals, as Kin, as the Earth Tribe. We are the Circle of Life and, as One, each of our Sacred Circles of Light begins to merge around the globe, lighting up and creating a grid of pure Love. We are Oneness, we are Unity, we are Equals. See each Sacred Circle as a Circle of Life; see them all coming together and merging to create the sacred Flower of Life – a grid of pure Light and Love that we weave together around our Mother Earth to love, honour and support her during this time of her birthing. Visualize your Sacred Circle of golden light . . . see the many Sacred Circles of golden light created by all those who join in Unity today . . . see these Sacred Circles of golden light merging and overlapping all around our globe, enveloping our Mother Earth in the sacred grid of the Flower of Life, a grid of Light and Love. Breathe for a moment and hold within your heart this thought – I am Love.
See and feel now how we are all connected through Love, through our Love for our Mother Earth, through our love for each other, for all Life and all beings, for we are One. We are One Earth, One Tribe. We are brothers, sisters and kin. We are the children of our sacred Earth Mother. We release all judgment and separation as we open our hearts and acknowledge that we share one Mother – our Mother Earth. Breathe deeply and release now. Feel your heartspace opening now to receive the truth of Love, Unity and Oneness.
Mother Earth has loved us all unconditionally, throughout all time. She has always been there – eternal and ageless – ancient Mother of our Hearts. Let us come together once more as family, united in Love to be the new Earth Tribe. We are the Circle of Life, in Unity we are the Flower of Life and so we shall restore the ancient, sacred grids of our Mother Earth. We shall restore to her the gift of our Love, respect, nurturance and care. It is our time to support her as she has done for us since time began. Visualize the golden Flower
of Life enveloping our Mother Earth and allow your Love for her to pour from your heart and flow through this sacred grid of Light and Love. Take a moment now and let Mother Earth feel your Love for her.
In perfect Love we open our hearts now and allow our Love to pour from within us. Visualize this radiating from your heartspace and filling your being, every cell and every atom – pure Love. Affirm “I am Love” and feel this Love filling your being, lighting you up, radiating from you and lighting up all within your Sacred Circle. Radiate this light even further to bless your surroundings – the plants, trees, insects, birds and people. Affirm “WE are Love” and radiate this light even wider to bless your neighborhood, your country, your continent, the world. Bless all Life and all kingdoms and affirm “WE are Love”. Feel this Love touching all. Know that ALL is Love. Know that all are your kin, all Life, all Beings – all are unique and beautiful children of the Earth, all born through our Earth Mother. Feel all beings held within the Light of Love and Unity. Affirm “We are One, we are Love”. Hold this energy of Love as an embrace that brings all beings together in perfection, harmony and peace. Simply breathe for a time feeling this space of Love, the sacred Breath of Life. Feel this resonance as a gentle rhythm that aligns to our Mother Earth – this is her rhythm as it is ours, this is Love. Breathe with her, feel her, breathe as One and know we are united in Love as one family, one heart, one Earth. 

Now as you feel this rhythm, know that you have connected to the Heart of the Mother. Feel her great and ancient Love held deep within her sacred core, feel her ancient heart – our Mother Earth, Divine Mother. Feel her Love for you, for each being, each grain of sand, each tiny flower, each creature that walks, crawls, flies and swims. Feel her Love flowing into every part of every being upon our Earth - her Love is the essence of all Life, all breath, all that we are. Feel this Love welling up through the earth, the soil, the plants, the waters. Feel it welling up through your feet. Feel her Love filling all with her essence, herlife force, her eternal Love. Feel it flowing through your being and into your heartspace. Breathe and feel it. This is the Love of our Mother Earth – she who embodies the essence of the Divine Mother, the Sacred Feminine. Allow this to fill your heart and, as it does, feel your heartspace opening and expanding. Visualize the sacred light of the Divine Feminine flowing into you now as a brilliant translucent blue light. See it flowing through you and
merging with the soft pink light of Love held within your heartspace. Feel and visualize the sacred blue light of the Divine Feminine radiating now through your crown to the heavens, the skies, the clouds, the atmosphere, the stars, the planets and beyond to the Universe.

Breathe now and feel the eternal rhythm of the cosmic energy and Mother Earth in harmony together, realigning and moving into synchronized Oneness through Love. Affirm “We are One. We are Love” and simply breathe for a time. Feel the Oneness in this moment, feel the energy, as you are now perfectly balanced between Heaven and Earth. With your feet upon the sacred soil of Mother Earth you are anchored, nurtured and held safely in Love. With your crown opened to the skies and cosmos, begin to feel the warmth
of the Sun - the Solar Energy of the Divine Father, the Divine Masculine – the gentle nourishing strength, Life energy and Love of the Divine Masculine as it was always intended to be. Feel this rhythm and breathe. Feel this energy flowing in now through your crown and feel the warmth of this Love entering your being. Visualize this as the golden light of the Divine Father, the Divine Masculine, flowing into your being and into your heartspace to merge with the pink light of Love and the blue light of the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine, held already within your heartspace. See and feel these energies weaving together, merging and uniting within your heartspace in a trinity of pure Love and Light – the sacred Triple Flame of the Divine Heart. We stand balanced now between Heaven and Earth, holding the Light, Love and balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within us.

Breathe and feel this sacred rhythm of perfect balance, Love and Union. This is Sacred Union, Divine Union. Each one of us in perfect balance, each one of us a sacred vessel for the expression of Divine Union, each one of us a Divine Child born of the Sacred Union of Father Sky and Mother Earth, Heaven and Earth, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Feel this perfect balance now within your heartspace. You are the center point of this merging in Love, the Divine Union within your heartspace. As you feel this, there is a moment of perfect Oneness – a moment of stillness, perfection, space, Void – no separation, only Love. Feel this and remember. As you breathe out now, see and feel this energy birthing the new consciousness of Love, Oneness, Harmony and Balance. See it within the center of your heartspace – the Light of Love and Divine Union. See and feel this expanding now from within your heartspace. See the rose pink light of your own Sacred Heart and within it the blue light of the Divine Feminine and the gold light of the Divine Masculine. See these two flows of energy in harmony, union and balance, beginning to
expand now, becoming the sacred symbol of eternal harmony, balance, unity and oneness – The Infinity Symbol. See this symbol forming from the blue and gold light of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and merging within your Sacred Heart.
See this symbol of Light expanding now from your heart to touch your crown and your feet. See and feel it expanding beyond you to surround your body. See and feel it expanding further and further until Heaven and Earth, Father Sky and Mother Earth, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are balanced and united through YOU, through your heartspace. Breathe now for a time as you see and feel this Divine Union - pure Love and Oneness. Affirm “I am love. We are Love. All is Love.” Know that this is your gift to Mother Earth and
Father Sky, to all beings and to our Universe itself. It is you who holds Love, Oneness, Divine Union and Perfect Balance within your heartspace – we are the ones we have been waiting for. . . As we hold the Light and Love of Divine Union within us, we know that this is the energy that births our new Earth and restores the ancient sacred grids of our Mother Earth. In Oneness we hold the balance for our Mother Earth to heal the wounds humanity has inflicted upon her, to transform her and transmute all suffering through Love – through our Love and balance. We hold Mother Earth in this embrace so that she may birth anew.
We co-create in Harmony, Unity, Oneness and Love. We birth the new Earth reality alongside our Sacred Earth Mother. We are the midwives of this sacred birthing and we support, honour and love our Mother Earth as she moves through the birth process. We nourish her, support her and hold her safe in our Love. We are with her through all, witnessing and midwiving the birth of our new consciousness, our new reality, our new Earth. With Love, gratitude, honour and joy we are with her, birthing anew and celebrating the gift of Creation. We are Creation, we are Love, we are Divine Co-Creators. We are the New Earth Tribe. Affirm this now within your heartspace and let Mother Earth know and feel your Love, gratitude and commitment. Breathe for a time and simply be present with Mother Earth, feeling her energy and allowing her to feel yours. Simpy BE in Love and allow insights and feelings to arise within you now without judgment as you commune with Mother Earth. When you feel this is complete, return slowly to your physical body by focusing on your breath as you gently inhale and exhale. Now move your awareness to your feet and ground deeply into Mother Earth. Take a moment to become aware of your physical body and your surroundings as you return gently to present and waking consciousness. Slowly open your eyes. Go forwards now in Love, Oneness and Unity.

Please note: You may download this Meditation for your personal use and share it with anyone, but in doing so you agree not to change, delete, add or edit any part of it. Burning to any removable device is prohibited. Please always include an acknowledgement of where it came from. Juanita & Kieran McKenzie are the copyright holders of this Meditation and all rights are reserved.