Monday 17 February 2014


So you're probably thinking, what is this page all about?

Over the last few years I have seen how much positive work is being accomplished worldwide by people and organisations who care enough to at least try to make a difference.

Humanity is beginning to realise that one voice maybe can't change the world by itself but can certainly be THE SPARK THAT IGNITES THE FIRE!

I have decided to use this page to honour those organisations and individuals... if you know of other useful links, particularly not-for-profit groups, please contact me. All the websites listed here have very kindly given me their permission to link to them.

So do I practice what I preach? What‘s the point of talking the talk if you aren’t prepared to walk the walk?  One thing I will pledge is that percentages of paintings I sell direct from my website will be donated to charities that I support.

'Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.' - Leo Tolstoy

'Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.' - Margaret Mead

'The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.' - Colin Wilson

'Be the change you want to see in the world.' - Mahatma Gandhi



When I started this page I had no idea how it would unfold… my Heart couldn’t find the words to express what I wanted to communicate! What follows will hopefully encourage you to explore for yourself… I guess that’s really what I wanted to convey…

Indigenous people all over Mother Earth have drummed in some manner since time began… a drumbeat reaches into every fibre of your Be-ing. A sound that you not only hear but feel deep within. Sounds silly right? To be able to FEEL sound… but once you have experienced this, you will know what I mean.

Drumming is not just about ceremony, it’s about community, connection and empathy.

Whether you drum for entertainment, personal pleasure, ceremony, or emotional release, drumming reconnects Humanity and the Natural World. Echoing the rhythms of our Mother Earth… rhythm, drums and dance… bringing harmony and equilibrium.

It doesn’t matter if you think you can’t play… to just pick up a drum and join in, as an equal… the feeling is exhilarating and the end result is an experience you will never forget… Hearts coming together and beating as One. Each individual contributing to produce something quite unique. 

Drumming affects us physically, mentally, emotionally  and spiritually. Playing drums relieves stress, increases vitality , heightens awareness and enhances people's sense of belonging.
