This is Me

I don't usually do this... but I'm going to lay myself bare... this is me...

I don't suffer fools gladly, I don't do 'small talk', I can appear stand-offish, cold and aloof, I don't trust easily. Put me in a room full of people and my brain will be screaming to get my body out of there as soon as possible. I am invisible. You'll know if I like you, equally, you'll know if I don't... I can't do that 'pretend to be something I'm not' crap.

I bounce between incredibly happy to deeply depressed, sometimes in the space of a heartbeat, but I'm OK with that... it's my Measure... sometimes I'm a glass half-empty kind of woman, sometimes I'm a glass half-full one... without it how can I tell if I'm one or the other? I can laugh my head off or cry my heart out.

I embrace the 'quirky' the bizarre, the wonderful individuality that is within all of us, even though sometimes it struggles to express itself. I have issues with the way I look, I don't love the physical Me and probably never will.

I am full of doubt, I question everything... that's how I learn stuff. My skull is full of 'stuff'... some of it is boring and mundane, some of it is so deep I can get lost in it, some of it is just, well, 'stuff'... random info picked up along the way... some of it is downright bizarre. I've 'seen' so many things in my life, although I've never physically been out of the country I was born in. I travel Energy Streams. I can see things that are not visible to everyone but equally I can be blind to what is right in front of my nose.

My home is a constant battle between Chaos and Organisation.... Chaos usually wins. I am surrounded by my skulls and an assortment of furry critters. My family, my Tribe, are those I have chosen to have in my life, I don't do that 'blood is thicker than water' crap, it's not. I Love my Tribe with all my Heart.

I am Spiritual..,. but I can bitch, curse and moan as well as the next person, sometimes more. There's this whole guilt trip laid on Spiritual people, they must be full of Love & Light... we're not 'perfect'... we were never meant to be perfect. But how am I to grow if I am already perfect? I won't... I'll stagnate... I'll just float around in Limbo.

I am flawed, I am broken... but I don't seek perfection, where's the fun in that? And anyway what is a perfect life? What's perfect to you is completely imperfect to me and vice versa. I am complicated... made of many pieces that sometimes fit together, sometimes not, some have been lost or forgotten over time. This is me...