Thursday 13 September 2012

Love Our Planet

I have been sitting here for some months contemplating what I could do to help the planet.

Helping financially in some way isn’t really feasible, I, like many people are struggling to just pay the bills. So what could I do? Last night, 12th September 2012, I had an idea… something that doesn’t need to cost a penny but could potentially help make those changes I long for.

So what is Love Your Planet about then? It’s dead simple… it’s about encouraging people to make changes to the way they live for the greater good of the planet. Anyone can join in and I hope anyone reading this will have their own ideas that they would like to share on this page. Just remember, whatever your idea, it must not cost anything!

Currently the world’s population is estimated at over 7 billion people! That’s ALOT of people! OK, so a percentage will be living in under-developed nations… but consider this, as an example, if we could persuade everyone we know to give up just ONE chemical cleaning product, just imagine the impact that could potentially have on the oceans! This is just one idea… do you see how it works?

Sept. 2012
Give up one chemical cleaning product

Oct. 2012
Take one less bath/shower a week

Nov. 2012
Turn the heating down one degree

Dec. 2012
Re-use gift wrap, packaging & envelopes

Jan. 2013
UPCYCLE something

Feb. 2013
Wash clothes at a lower temperature

April 2013
Grow a tree from a seed/nut

May 2013
Borrow something instead of buying it

Did you know:
• The average household contains anywhere from 3 to 25 gallons of toxic materials, most of which are in cleaners!
• A 5 minute shower uses about 10 gallons of water!
• Each 1-degree drop for an 8-hour period reduces your fuel bill about 1 percent!
• If every American family wrapped just 3 presents in re-used materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields!
• Upcycling can reduce the consumption of new raw materials that are required when creating new products or recycling materials!
• Almost 95 per cent of the electricity consumed by washing machines is used to heat the water. 
• Young trees absorb CO2 at a rate of 13 lbs per tree each year!
• The average power tool is only used for 8 minutes?

How can you join in? Tweet, Facebook, email, blog… spread the word about this project, share any ideas you have here on this page…