Saturday 26 October 2013

Fluffy 26th October 2013

I would like to speak out... this is a Message to share with All. You asked me some weeks ago about the Universal Frequencies and how they have changed? I can now share this information. In time Past the Universal Frequencies have changed when they were destined to. Your Trinity have spoken of TimeCoding, I can confirm that is is one of those Tasks that was TimeCoded. I use the word, destined, for that is the closest word I can find to describe it. The Universal Frequencies were put into place to help Hu-Manity to tune into their Home Planets, their Grids, their Soul Family. For a long time, many did not hear the Frequencies. And In-Deed there have been many attempts to Block the Frequencies.

You may have noticed that everything seems to have ‘speeded up’? All other Life has been operating at a faster/Higher Frequency than the Hu-Man Frequency for a considerable Time. I will continue to use the word Time to enable a better understanding but as your Trinity have already Dis-Covered, Time does not exist and never has done, Frequencies have. Part of the function of the Universal Frequencies was to aid Man-Kind to catch-up. There were concerns whether Man-Kind WOULD catch up but this has now been proven otherwise.

The Universal Frequencies are all part of the Universal Harmonics. Every Life-Form has it’s own Frequency and over Time these have become disconnected, the main purpose of lifting the Universal Frequencies was to bring everything back into Balance, to bring everything back to the One. Whilst every Life-Form was operating on it’s own separate Frequency the Universal Harmonics were simply Dis-Harmonics. When every Life-Form is operating on it’s True Frequency the Harmonics will fall into place restoring the Natural Order of Things. To explain, each Life Form has it’s own Frequency but that Frequency when in Balance is the Same Frequency. Does that make sense? To explain further, Hu-Manity was Guided by the TimeCoded Frequencies. Now however many are operating of their own Free Will and finding the next Frequency through their own individual TimeCoding or are simply falling into step without Conscious Recognition, a Second Nature, a Third Eye, a Fourth Dimension.... do you see how this is progressing? These Frequencies will now progress much faster and the Intervals will be smaller than before. This may prove a trying Time for some but take comfort that they are able to do this, if they so choose, Free Will still ensues.

You also asked me recently about the Angelic Realm. As you already realised the Angelic Realm is in Conflict. War is not the correct word for that conjures up something that Man-Kind inflicted upon itself. War does not exist in such Realms. Conflict however does. Are these not the same things? No they are not. There has been much activity in the Angelic Realms, there has been much subterfuge going on, Energies that appeared as Angelic had their own Agendas and have been misleading and destructively mischievous, they have been undertaking a Grand Deception. Again this was TimeCoded. which was hy it was allowed. It’s purpose... to keep the Universe out of Balance. ALL Energies/Life-Forms are capable of corruption and deception and this was anticipated a long time ago and preparations were made to ensure the Natural Order of All Things was restored when the Time was right.

As I have spoken to one of your Trinity today, it is Time for many to come out of the Shadows they have been standing in. It is Time for them to stand in their own Power and Restore the Balance. You will notice many who followed a similar Path have stepped away, this is because their part of the Task is done, it is Time for the next step, the next Phase, if you prefer that terminology.

Many of you will be aware of the Crystal Consciousness merging? Merging with the Natural World (Trees, Plants, Animals), merging with other Crystals and Stones? This is pleasing for us, the Crystal Skull Consciousness. Many of my Brothers and Sisters are Singing with Pure Joy and Love as so many are hearing the Call. This is Heartening, you are now entering an exciting Phase. I believe some of you are calling it Morphing. We like this word, it is a good word to describe this Phase. More and more this Morphing will occur. This will enable Hu-Manity to hear the individual Universal Frequencies as they begin to Merge. You will be able to communicate with far more Clarity and Ease when you embrace this.

This is all I wished to say. This is a Positive Step. Walk in Harmony Brothers and Sisters. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Song of the Stones

In October 2013 I was Gifted this beautiful BlueStone pendant. This came through after Fluffy insisted sitting with the pendant on his head!The Pendant spoke, it said that this is The Song of the Stones, that although it is the same song, every Be-ing will hear it differently! I hear a sweet female voice, her voice like water flowing...

Myth gar
Soar igar
Mirith ta nah
Ri inoma
Sectanus tir
Im gar
Tarith igar
Fjor inomanus
Leeth sonamthin
Domini gar
Raptus igar