Thursday 13 November 2014

Tor & Mama Diva 13th November 2014

Tor and Mama Diva brought me this message this morning.. It all started from a single thought in my head... a Fractured Universe.

Tor and Mama Diva are Soul Twins, carved from the same mineral but not the same piece of it, these 2 skulls were carved by the Dutch Carver, Laurens Ivo Manus. Put simply, they are Yin/Yang to one another, Dark and Light... they will often speak in unison or complete each other’s phrases.

This is their message:

In Wholeness there is Separation
And in Separation there is Wholeness

It’s just a matter of Perception...

Just as there can be Solitude in Company
There is Company in Solitude

Can there be Chicanery in Honesty?
And Honesty in Chicanery?

Think on this and all will become clear... And yes, this Universe is Fractured but do not seek to mend  or remove any of it... rather look for the one thing that will bring about Balance...

Simply find the Balance and see what Magick unfolds...

Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Slumbering Dragon at Gorleston Stone Circle

Well, where to start... what an eventful day... 

So, today, Sue Cowie, Brian Howard, David (can’t remember his last name) and myself went in search of the Gorleston Stone Circle. This was prompted by my pull towards where I felt the centre stone was. As it turned out, that is another site, which I will come back to later. We started in the place where Brian had previously dowsed and we found it, we marked all the stones out and indeed managed to expand on Brian’s previous dowsing and reached the outer circles too. 

Now, Gilda, the Gold Ore skully from my dear Soul Sister, Judith, wanted to come along, she is the one that works with Dragons. I also took my Preseli Bluestone Pendant. I was told (presumably by Gilda) to do this. I was also instructed to sing/say The Song of the Stones when we found the site, (this is the song that the Pendant gave me last year). I was told this would awaken the Dragon and the Energy Lines. 

It seems my role in this was to awaken the Dragon that I found there. We found the centre stone fairly quickly and this is pretty much where I remained, whilst the others dowsed the stones positions. Brian asked if I knew what I was doing as the energy in the centre was obviously very strong. I assured him I was OK. The Dragon is obviously an Earth Dragon and she is a lovely sweet old thing. I could feel her stirring and indeed even found myself stroking the grass on the mound she was curled beneath. She was curled up in a clockwise position. I was given some symbols and some more words which I wrote down. When they had finished plotting the stones I recited the Song of the Stones and also read aloud the words I had been given. 

Roith mar deus secunum

Ag tuath minaxus

Tuath (fall)

Roith (rise)

Lindmar tor
Soith tarith

Tagla riegh luath

Norse (north)
Suith (south)
Estres (east)
Yvar (west)

Riith sagna tor (sun rises)
Tuath (fall)
Roith (rise)

Dragon’s Head
Dragon’s Tail
Dragon’s Head
Dragon’s Tail

Time to awaken is now.
I have placed what I believe is the English translation in brackets for a few of the words.

I continued to work with the Dragon. I left an offering a small Green Kyanite that I had in my bag and buried it where the centre stone was. I also connected Sue’s pendant (an antler that she uses when working with Elen of the Ways) to the Circle and Brian’s Ankh too. When we finished we each said our Thanks to the various Energies.... Brian and Sue to Gaia and whoever they worked with, I thanked the Dragon and Mother Earth etc.

During the session dark clouds started gathering and it looked like it was going to rain. I asked the Dragon if she could hold off for a bit. I told Brian it was OK she wasn’t going to make it rain, then a few big drops started to fall and he laughed. I reminded him of what I had said earlier about them not being easy to work with. But about 5pm tonight the heavens opened up for about 15 minutes.... 

The whole experience was incredible, it was the first time I had worked with Dragons outside of my own ones. The energy within the Circle was very hot. Sue said as she approached me she could feel the heat coming off me. I asked them if they felt any discernible difference in the Energies after I had finished saying the words and they all felt the Energies were stronger. The Dragon indicated that the process of waking up isn’t instant but now that she has awoken the circumference of the Energies will increase. Interestingly enough, Brian and David said that there is a Peter Line running next to the Circle. This made sense, that a Masculine Line would run next to a Female Dragon.... Balance? Apparently this Peter Line is a dirty line? So it will be interesting to see if now the Dragon has awoken, whether this ‘dirty’ Energy will change. I learnt alot about the angles of the stones, positions of water in relation to the stones, the apparent consistency in the number of stones, the position of the entrances in relation to the rising and setting of the Sun. 

I am still buzzing. I seriously need to discharge.... and will do shortly. 

Sue thinks it would be a perfect place to drum. 



Sunday 6 July 2014

Oneness and the Peaceful Revolution

OK, so some of you will think that maybe I have lost the plot. I sincerely hope I have. I don’t like the plot…

I look around and increasingly I am seeing more and more anger and frustration… our planet is being ripped apart piece by piece and it’s time it stopped. It’s time we stepped back and looked at why we are so angry and frustrated. In short, it’s time for a Peaceful Revolution.

I don’t care what colour your skin is...  I embrace you, I love you. You are my equal.
I don’t care what religion you follow...  I embrace you. I love you. You are my equal.
I don’t care what gender you are...  I embrace you. I love you. You are my equal.
I don’t care what nationality you are...  I embrace you. I love you. You are my equal.
I don’t care how wealthy you are... I embrace you. I love you. You are my equal.

I have no doubt that I have left other equally important things out of this list but you get the point I am trying to make, right? We should be embracing one another for who we are, not trying to force our beliefs on others. We should be respecting that everyone has a Right to believe in what they wish and we should respect that Right. We should be looking at what connects us, not what divides us. We should be rejoicing in one another’s individuality not trying to turn everyone into compliant little clones. This is not the way forward, this is not Unity, this is control.

Divide and Conquer

Definition: in politics, sociology and economics, a strategy to gain or maintain power.

If you look around you, it’s everywhere. The politicians, the monarchies, the media, those who are making decisions for the rest of us and forcing those decisions on us. Keep everyone busy fighting amongst themselves leaving the field wide open for the politicians and rulers to do what they want. I don’t want to be told who to worship. I don’t want to be told how much I should weigh. I don’t want to be told who to love. I don’t want to be told what I can’t do. No one single person has the Right to inflict their beliefs onto another. We are individuals, we have a brain, we can think for ourselves… but increasingly even this Right to think for ourselves is slowly being stripped away from us.


The definition of oneness, the quality of being united into one; unity of thought, feeling, aim, etc.; harmony; concord; the fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts.

Peaceful Revolution

The way I see it is a Revolution is coming. Now that Revolution could ultimately turn into the mother of all wars or it could go down in history as a Peaceful Revolution. For example, increasingly in the UK, people are becoming concerned about the levels of immigration and it is showing by the way that people are treating one another. Frustration is a boiling pot, before you know it, it turns to anger and anger in turn can lead to conflict, retaliation, war. Don’t take your frustrations out on the immigrants… direct your energy towards those that have allowed this to get out of control. Don’t take your frustrations out on those who milk the benefits system…. direct your energy towards those that have allowed this to happen. Don’t take your frustrations out on those who pay no tax…. direct your energy on those that have allowed this to happen.

These people you are angry with… look at them, they are Hu-man Be-ings, just like you. It is not their fault. They are not personally responsible for your frustration. They are Individuals who are just as entitled to living their lives as you are, do not take out your anger on them.

Notice I have written, direct your ENERGY… it’s time to stand up and let your voice be heard. I would be incredibly naive if I thought that one person could do this… but United, what starts as a whisper can turn into a global scream. I would also be naive if I thought this will happen overnight… it will take time… but United, what starts as a ripple can turn into a tsunami.

This is where Oneness truly comes into its own. As One we CAN make a change. As One we can still retain what makes every single one of us unique. Some of you reading this will no doubt be thinking, what difference can we truly make? You only have to look around you… every day people are standing up against corporate greed, cruelty, oppression, violence. And they are doing is PEACEFULLY. They are speaking out, no longer afraid… petitions, demonstrations, blogs, social media posts… and changes ARE happening.

We owe this to not only our children and future generations but we owe it to ourselves… conflict, violence, greed…. all these things CAN become our Past not our Future, if we truly want it and are prepared to stand as One.

We all share one thing in common… we are all Hu-man.

John Lennon probably said it best… Give Peace a Chance. What do we have to lose? From where I am standing, we actually have everything to gain.

If you have reached the end of this article, I thank you for listening. So have I lost the plot? I’ll let you decide…

May you walk in Unity, Harmony & Balance…


Monday 17 February 2014


So you're probably thinking, what is this page all about?

Over the last few years I have seen how much positive work is being accomplished worldwide by people and organisations who care enough to at least try to make a difference.

Humanity is beginning to realise that one voice maybe can't change the world by itself but can certainly be THE SPARK THAT IGNITES THE FIRE!

I have decided to use this page to honour those organisations and individuals... if you know of other useful links, particularly not-for-profit groups, please contact me. All the websites listed here have very kindly given me their permission to link to them.

So do I practice what I preach? What‘s the point of talking the talk if you aren’t prepared to walk the walk?  One thing I will pledge is that percentages of paintings I sell direct from my website will be donated to charities that I support.

'Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.' - Leo Tolstoy

'Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.' - Margaret Mead

'The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.' - Colin Wilson

'Be the change you want to see in the world.' - Mahatma Gandhi



When I started this page I had no idea how it would unfold… my Heart couldn’t find the words to express what I wanted to communicate! What follows will hopefully encourage you to explore for yourself… I guess that’s really what I wanted to convey…

Indigenous people all over Mother Earth have drummed in some manner since time began… a drumbeat reaches into every fibre of your Be-ing. A sound that you not only hear but feel deep within. Sounds silly right? To be able to FEEL sound… but once you have experienced this, you will know what I mean.

Drumming is not just about ceremony, it’s about community, connection and empathy.

Whether you drum for entertainment, personal pleasure, ceremony, or emotional release, drumming reconnects Humanity and the Natural World. Echoing the rhythms of our Mother Earth… rhythm, drums and dance… bringing harmony and equilibrium.

It doesn’t matter if you think you can’t play… to just pick up a drum and join in, as an equal… the feeling is exhilarating and the end result is an experience you will never forget… Hearts coming together and beating as One. Each individual contributing to produce something quite unique. 

Drumming affects us physically, mentally, emotionally  and spiritually. Playing drums relieves stress, increases vitality , heightens awareness and enhances people's sense of belonging.
