Monday 15 April 2013

Holy Mother 12th April 2013

There is a balance in Nature. It GIVES, it TAKES. But always there is a balance. It is called The Natural Order.

You have been provided with examples of this in your indigenous tribes but instead of learning from these people, you continue to TAKE from them; their lands, their lives, their dignity, their respect…

Your Governments and financial institutions continue to TAKE to the point where there are those who have very little left to GIVE.

Humanity was provided with a planet that gave them everything they needed. For a time, there was great harmony, everyone lived in equilibrium with the planet. They honoured her and she responded in kind. What happened? Why did Humanity suddenly decide it was acceptable to upset this balance?

You TAKE, TAKE, TAKE. You continue to strip this planet of it’s resources yet only a small percentage of you seem interested in GIVING back. Can you not see where this is going? How this will all end?

There are those of you who GIVE their time and energy to helping others, who ask nothing in return. There are those who TAKE all the time, GIVE nothing back and still expect more.

There are those who would literally GIVE their last drop of blood or breath to help someone but these people cannot continue like this, they are quite literally being bled dry.

This perplexes us, please before it is too late, restore the balance – everyone can make a difference whether on a personal, ecological, political, global or ethical level – just look into your hearts. For some  this will not be an easy task but The Natural Order must be restored.

Those that TAKE have got to start TAKING responsibility for their actions. Those that GIVE have to realise it’s alright to RECEIVE.

This has to stop before the balance is tipped beyond repair.

When GIVING is done freely and willingly RECEIVING becomes part of The Natural Order. When this happens TAKING becomes obsolete…

This is all I have to say for the moment…

Holy Mother