Friday 31 December 2021

Beamer 30th December 2021


Beamer has been singing this for about a week, I've only just got round to posting it...

When Up is Up,

and Down is Down,

But then you turn it Upside Down.

Is Down then Up?

And Up is Down?

Or are they still

the right way round?

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Holy Mother 29th December 2021


Soon your species will be flooded with unprecedented levels of emotional reactions.

Unfortunately it is Hu-man Nature to react rather than respond. Centuries of Programming has resulted in an inherited 'auto pilot' of reactional behaviour.

Be careful of placing Judgements on these reactions. Remember these Hu-mans are mostly unaware of the intricacies and levels of Deception that have been accruing for Centuries in the Shadows.

There will be mass Confusion, Resentment, Anger, Disbelief and Hate being released in every direction and throughout every Energy Field. It will ripple outwards.

For those of you who feel others pain, the Empaths, be prepared to be overwhelmed, take care to set boundaries and limits so you don't drown in the Chaos. You cannot help if you allow yourself to become helpless.

Be ready to help your fellow Hu-mans. Be ready to take them by the hand and comfort them. Do not patronise them. Do not belittle them. Do not berate them. Rather, hold them with Love in your Heart and help them navigate the next steps.

There will be Dis-Ease and Dis-Trust. They will not know who to believe and will be suspicious of anyone and everyone's agendas and motives for many years to come. Wait until they come to you... and they will come.

Hu-mans don't like to be made to feel foolish. The level of Deception and Lies runs so deep that many will refuse to believe that they have indeed been fooled and will dig their heels in if you push too hard.

Stand firm.

Remember to RESPOND not React... Transmute the Energy Streams... turn the Chaos into Flow, turn the Anger into Calm, turn the Hate into Love and turn the Lies into Truth. Radiate Love above all else for only in Love can we be our Authentic Selves.

You will witness this happening on individual and group levels as much as a global level.

Remember you all agreed to this role. Don't turn your back on anyone, even if they've ridiculed you for your beliefs, ostracised you for standing firm. This needed to happen if your Species stands any Hope for future Survival.

These are extraordinary times.

May Peace be with you all.
Holy Mother

Friday 10 December 2021

Beamer 10th December 2021


Seems it's a busy night... Beamer is another Steatite creation of Laurens Ivo Manus.. He's a playful little fellow, like a toddler and he likes to communicate in rhyme or poems.

The door, the door,

I can see the door.

Step through it,

Don't turn around,

Keep walking,

Homeward bound.

The door, the door,

I went through the door.

Tor & Mama Diva 10th December2021


Tor has been mumbling all day, so I've just sat down and given her the opportunity to chat... Mama Diva decided to join her, these two are so connected to one another... They spoke in unison.

Your Planet is literally fluctuating like never before. So many strands pulsating, expanding and receding. For those sensitive to Energy Streams this can cause alternating Moments of elation and despair. For others this will manifest as alternating Moments of hope and fear. See the subtle differences?

It's important right now to find your Level and to hold onto it. Meditate with it. Embrace it. Grow with it.

Collective Consciousness is a vitally important tool, use it wisely. You may feel helpless and despondent but you have the Power to change that. It's not simply about bringing in the Light. It's about projecting a Blueprint for a New World Order. You're being bombarded by this term and all of it's negative and dark connections and connotations. 

You have the Power to change the perception of that term.

You have the Power to create a New World Order of Love, Integrity, Balance, Respect and Equality.

(Mama Diva giggles here...) Oh look... L, I, B, R, E... Life, Freedom, THE STATE OF BEING FREE.

Help those that are lost. Help those that seek direction. Help those who have given up.

We love you...

Tor & Mama Diva

Saturday 20 November 2021

Fluffy 20th November 2021


Fluffy has been silent for some time, he does this often, sometimes he's off-world, sometimes he's just quiet. I've had something of a hiatus myself, I've not felt particularly communicative of late and have withdrawn significantly from the madness of the world. These periods of quiet are good for us both, it gives us time to grow and reflect.

Today I felt Fluffy wanted to communicate, I think he knew I was looking for some sort of validation to how I have been feeling about current events.

  • I opened the dialogue with, OK, so talk to me about the world right now. All I'm seeing is madness, tyranny, separation, anger and grief, denial and fear seemingly overshadowing the Love and Unity that some are trying to offer...

Your Earth is going through one of the biggest Shifts in it's history. The Duality you are experiencing is similar to what happens during an earthquake. Pieces move and resettle. Some pieces will settle permanently, others will wait until the next movement dislodges them, these pieces are in a temporary placement simply waiting for their Moment.

For many many years there has been talk of Ascension. This Moment RIGHT NOW is literally the Ascension you have been waiting for. Are you ready? Many are waking up and seeing what is happening to Humankind. Some of you have seen it before. Remember Atlantis? Remember Lemuria? What lessons were learned? Indeed, were ANY lessons learned? Is Humankind about to repeat history? that is up to you all.

Humanity is on a precipice. What comes next has already happened, it's 'played out' already. It HAD to happen this way. Humanity has been in a slumber for too long.

The Crystal Consciousness and the Skull Conclave, like many other Be-ings couldn't interfere, we were not permitted. This is something you Hu-mans had to do for yourselves, this is why I have been silent. Remember the phrase... You are the Ones you have been waiting for?

The Seeds were planted eons ago. The Fall of Atlantis came about because 'trappings' like Ego, Power and Wealth were allowed to take precedence over Unity and Oneness.

Take a look around you, right now Hu-mans are coming together, Uniting in ways they never imagined possible. Too much focus has been placed on the Division and Separation. Be Proud of your Power, your Unity, your Oneness.

It IS too late for some Souls. There will be many Souls departing the Planet in your near future. But remember, these Souls agreed to this, they signed up for this. It was necessary for these Souls to make this sacrifice for the Greater Good of All. Many of these departing Souls will be children. These Souls know that this will pull at the heartstrings of Hu-mans, this will be one of the hardest things you will experience but this was necessary to initiate a 'Call to Arms'.

No one Soul should rule the entire Planet and that is what has been happening in the Shadows.

The Skull Conclave cannot divulge what happens next and any Collective or Individual that tells you otherwise is only guessing and has allowed Ego to prevail. WE know the outcome. Humanity has to physically experience it and in the right Moment you will see that outcome for yourselves.

Many of you are feeling angry, many are feeling helpless, many are feeling empowered, while others are feeling defeated. That is a Hu-man response. Remember the Power of Frequency, the Power of Intention. 

That will, I believe, be enough 'food for thought'... I find Hu-man language intriguing, you manage to cast Spells with your words and you don't even realise how empowering that is. I will leave you with this... REMEMBER... RE-EMBER.

I took that to indicate he was done with this subject. So I had one more question.

  • What can you share about Climate Change?

Climate Change... hmm... all I will comment here is that it is no coincidence that your Governments are pushing this at this particular Moment. Planets will adapt in order to survive. An example... look at your Galapagos Islands, each island created from separate eruptions. The life forms and flora and fauna adapted. It ADAPTED. They didn't cease to exist, they thrived but they thrived in different ways from island to island. Look into the evolution of the Galapagos Tortoises and you will maybe understand. Another example, bush fires. Look at how the land and everything on it is destroyed... but is it really destroyed permanently? The plant life will thrive and regrow. It's all about Cycles, Life and Death, Birth and Renewal.

Again, remember there are Be-ings trying to control your Planet, do you really believe they would not attempt manipulating the natural Cycles and Rhythms of Gaia? To test Gaia's Wrath is not a wise move. 

Your two questions are connected, but you knew that when you asked. Remember EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.

That will conclude our dialogue.