Saturday 18 May 2024

Tor and Mama Diva 18th May 2024

This transmission came from Tor and Mama Diva in unison...

The Universe and the Truth

The Universe is Mother Earth, Father Sky, the Source (God-Light). That is it... The Holy Trinity. The Truth. The Holy Grail if you'd prefer. 

Once that was all there was.

Hu-mans were meant to co-exist in Oneness. Each had their own individual Frequency but all were a part of the Universe.

Something went wrong. We, the Skull Collective, don't know exactly what and never sought answers, maybe we should have but Now, this Moment, fleeting yet eternal, is the important factor here.

The 'Corruption' happened, brought us to this Moment. It can't be undone and it has filtered it's way into the Now.

This Corruption consists of many layers. Time is a man-made construct. War is a man-made Construct. Politics is a man-made Construct. Fear is a man-made Construct. Religion is a man-made Construct. And it goes on. 

Mechanisms to exert control.

Notice that Peace, Love, Unity, Oneness can all be affected by these Constructs. All in the name of control.

Peace is still here. Love is still here. Unity is still here.  Oneness is still here. You just need to find your way back to it. 

We see it slowly happening and fills us with Hope. Hu-manity needs to break free of these Constructs, they serve no purpose other than to make those who impart these Constructs, richer, greedier and uglier. 

With these Constructs gone, that leaves Truth. What is Truth? Truth is always there. Individual's perceptions of Truth may differ but the Truth is constant. Truth shines bright but some refuse to see it, preferring to hold onto the Lies. Some even know they are Lies but to step into Truth hurts their Pride. Truth can hurt but a willingness to be held accountable shows Courage 

What is the meaning of this Transmission? When you return to the Holy Trinity, you return to Truth.

We love you.

Tor & Mama Diva