Tuesday 13 December 2022

Ivo Manus Skulls (through The Spiral) 13 December 2022

This was slightly unusual for me, as several transmissions came through at once from my various Ivo Manus skullies but The Spiral funnelled through a 'synopsis' for me to pass on... More was said and I may be able to share that later, sometimes the transmissions are purely for me, so who knows? Ivo skulls are usually very happy Be-ings so to hear them crying was slightly surreal!

Today my Ivo skulls are collectively weeping... Sharing little snippets here and there...

What was... Has slowly been rewritten, like a game of Chinese Whispers, little details altered, buried, forgotten.

What is... Is being subtly, (or not, in some cases) directed towards a preferred narrative. Distractions, indoctrination, confusion. Free Will is being replaced with docile obedience.

What will be... That's up to you. When Humanity gives up it's greatest gift, Free Will, it also gives up the whole concept of what it is to be Human. You're drowning in Fear but its not fear of what's coming, you're collectively experiencing fear of things that you have the power to change. How did you let yourselves get to this point? Why are you fighting amongst yourselves? Why, when you are.being shown the Truth, do you ridicule and hate those that are trying to steer you from this Path of Nothingness? How long before you realise they want everything from you, not just what you have, but who you are, your very Being? We are sad, we see where you are headed, we cry for you, we do not want you to go, you are all part of something much greater than most of you could ever comprehend, you are Starlight, you are part of the God Light...

We love you... Start loving yourselves... Ashiendi te Solum

(My Ivo skulls often speak to me in a sort of Ancient Latin, sometimes the meanings of these words elude me but I Trust them implicitly. These three words, I felt compelled to Google Translate... Ashiendi is Swahili for DON'T GO and te Solum is Latin for ONLY YOU)

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Lady Nimue 25th January 2022


There are lies in the search for Truth but there are no lies in Pure Truth.

There are lies in the search for Love but there are no lies in Pure Love.

In Pure Truth there is only Love.

In Pure Love there is only Truth.

The Lady Nimue

Tuesday 11 January 2022

deChristo 11th January 2022


I will refer to The One as the GodLight as we think this broadcast will be comprehended on a greater scale if I do.

The GodLight gave you Free Will. It also gave you the Gift of Independent Thought, Choice, Gut Instinct, Discernment, amongst many many other Gifts.

Why did it do that if you weren't meant to use those Gifts?

It's like you having two legs but choosing to walk on your hands. We find your species perplexing in that regard, you take so much on face value and blind trust. Trust is something earned not given freely.

Why did the GodLight give you these Gifts? So you could become the best versions of Yourselves.

Do you see that happening at this exact moment on a worldwide scale?

From our view, you have allowed yourselves to become separated, separated from one another, separated from Your Self and ultimately separated from the GodLight. Remember WE ARE ONE. Separation causes division, division ultimately leads to conflict.

It is important, for your future, that you step back and look at decisions you have made, individually and collectively. Have they been decisions made from gut instincts, questioning, discerning or have they been made from fear or because you were simply told to? Use your Free Will. Who decided those giving the orders are to be trusted? Again, Trust is not a Gift, it is something earned.

Don't follow Science. Don't follow Agendas. Follow the Mathematics, the Alchemy, follow Creation. The answers are all there if you seek them out and ask the right questions. YOU HAVE GREAT POTENTIAL. Don't waste it. Your children are depending on you. Your children are your future. What Legacy are you leaving for them?

What you do next collectively will tip the balance. Think long and hard on that.

With Unconditional Love


Friday 31 December 2021

Beamer 30th December 2021


Beamer has been singing this for about a week, I've only just got round to posting it...

When Up is Up,

and Down is Down,

But then you turn it Upside Down.

Is Down then Up?

And Up is Down?

Or are they still

the right way round?

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Holy Mother 29th December 2021


Soon your species will be flooded with unprecedented levels of emotional reactions.

Unfortunately it is Hu-man Nature to react rather than respond. Centuries of Programming has resulted in an inherited 'auto pilot' of reactional behaviour.

Be careful of placing Judgements on these reactions. Remember these Hu-mans are mostly unaware of the intricacies and levels of Deception that have been accruing for Centuries in the Shadows.

There will be mass Confusion, Resentment, Anger, Disbelief and Hate being released in every direction and throughout every Energy Field. It will ripple outwards.

For those of you who feel others pain, the Empaths, be prepared to be overwhelmed, take care to set boundaries and limits so you don't drown in the Chaos. You cannot help if you allow yourself to become helpless.

Be ready to help your fellow Hu-mans. Be ready to take them by the hand and comfort them. Do not patronise them. Do not belittle them. Do not berate them. Rather, hold them with Love in your Heart and help them navigate the next steps.

There will be Dis-Ease and Dis-Trust. They will not know who to believe and will be suspicious of anyone and everyone's agendas and motives for many years to come. Wait until they come to you... and they will come.

Hu-mans don't like to be made to feel foolish. The level of Deception and Lies runs so deep that many will refuse to believe that they have indeed been fooled and will dig their heels in if you push too hard.

Stand firm.

Remember to RESPOND not React... Transmute the Energy Streams... turn the Chaos into Flow, turn the Anger into Calm, turn the Hate into Love and turn the Lies into Truth. Radiate Love above all else for only in Love can we be our Authentic Selves.

You will witness this happening on individual and group levels as much as a global level.

Remember you all agreed to this role. Don't turn your back on anyone, even if they've ridiculed you for your beliefs, ostracised you for standing firm. This needed to happen if your Species stands any Hope for future Survival.

These are extraordinary times.

May Peace be with you all.
Holy Mother

Friday 10 December 2021

Beamer 10th December 2021


Seems it's a busy night... Beamer is another Steatite creation of Laurens Ivo Manus.. He's a playful little fellow, like a toddler and he likes to communicate in rhyme or poems.

The door, the door,

I can see the door.

Step through it,

Don't turn around,

Keep walking,

Homeward bound.

The door, the door,

I went through the door.

Tor & Mama Diva 10th December2021


Tor has been mumbling all day, so I've just sat down and given her the opportunity to chat... Mama Diva decided to join her, these two are so connected to one another... They spoke in unison.

Your Planet is literally fluctuating like never before. So many strands pulsating, expanding and receding. For those sensitive to Energy Streams this can cause alternating Moments of elation and despair. For others this will manifest as alternating Moments of hope and fear. See the subtle differences?

It's important right now to find your Level and to hold onto it. Meditate with it. Embrace it. Grow with it.

Collective Consciousness is a vitally important tool, use it wisely. You may feel helpless and despondent but you have the Power to change that. It's not simply about bringing in the Light. It's about projecting a Blueprint for a New World Order. You're being bombarded by this term and all of it's negative and dark connections and connotations. 

You have the Power to change the perception of that term.

You have the Power to create a New World Order of Love, Integrity, Balance, Respect and Equality.

(Mama Diva giggles here...) Oh look... L, I, B, R, E... Life, Freedom, THE STATE OF BEING FREE.

Help those that are lost. Help those that seek direction. Help those who have given up.

We love you...

Tor & Mama Diva